Heartbreak & Inspiration

This summer has been so weird…what’s new for 2020? It’s been the most heartbreaking summer of my life and also one of the most beautiful and inspiring.

I’ve been feeling a lot of guilt about not writing about the aforementioned heartbreak. And honestly, as I’m thinking through this right now, I’m realizing that there was more than just one big heartbreak. There was one that was acceptable to grieve in public and one that was very much reserved for only my most private moments.

Publicly, we put down our dog of 14 years at the beginning of July. The decision was made quickly, but the 2 days of waiting destroyed me over and over and over again. I’m grateful that it wasn’t traumatic for him; it was just time. He was a much dimmer version of himself and was obviously hiding a lot more pain than he wanted us to know about. His personality shone bright on his last day, though, which was bittersweet for me because I was so happy to see glimpses of my puppy again, but also didn’t want to say goodbye after that.

Cocoa, my best bud. 2005-2020

I feel like he deserves an entire post, but I’m also seeing the beauty lately in keeping things closer to home. I just finished a picture book with nearly 400 pictures of him (in chronological order, of course) that I know will be well worth the effort when I’m feeling nostalgic and want to remember the truest friend I’ve ever known. I’ve been lucky enough to be able to confide in friends, new and old, about this strange new world without my furry shadow’s constant companionship.

Which brings me to the private heartbreak I’ve been battling lately. (It kills me to know that I’ll be able to write more about this than my best friend dying, but I’m trying to work on acceptance.) I can’t get past the feeling of being a burden. I can’t generalize and say that this has been a problem all summer. June was amazing in that I felt so connected to all my people. That’s a very rare thing for me, but I felt so valued and loved and I’m wondering if maybe I got a little complacent? Things just felt so good that I may have put in less effort, leading me to July.

It wasn’t even like things changed because my dog died, it was literally like a switch flipped on July 1. I started feeling really insecure in my relationships again. I had plenty of feelings to share (enneagram 4) but didn’t feel like anyone would want to listen. Turns out July is still one of the busiest months of the year in the middle of a global pandemic. And guess who has never had a busy July in her life! And guess who really struggles with her feelings come July because she doesn’t want to bother her friends who are busy living! And guess who had real grief to work through and would’ve loved to have shared with someone!

Okay, enough with the guessing. It’s me and it sucked. This has always been a challenge for me, but it’s a different kind of challenge when I actually have people in my life who are willing and able to support me and I don’t believe them because of my past experiences. I was present for every group event, every video call, every Sunday service, but very rarely was I ever actually engaged in community. I am obviously very aware of the never-ending quality of my emotions. Happy, sad or the millions of variations between–they’re always all-consuming. I walked into these new relationships with the assumption that, like me, they had all grown weary of my ever-changing, all-consuming emotions. I didn’t give them the opportunity to prove me wrong. So I continued to withdraw.

Until I realized what was happening and started reaching out to my closest friends and apologizing. I, of course, was reassured that apologies weren’t necessary and that support is exactly what community is about. Naturally, I then swung 180 degrees and, without getting into details, things didn’t end up the way I expected.

This week I was left feeling uncertain. Something happened with a friend that opened my eyes to the reality of my situation. I feel like it can only change things for the better, but I also feel like a lot of hard work is going to be required to get there. Because July is so busy for so many people, everything was called off this week. And one more little thing: after hearing about multiple covid cases at my church and myself and my employer developing a few mild symptoms (hello 2 day week!), I became convinced that I had it. (I later tested negative.)

But, miraculously, if you were to ask me how my week was, I don’t think I’d hesitate in saying that it was the best one I’ve had in a long time. I kept thinking all week that it felt like a vacation! A vacation with friend drama, coming to terms with a hard reality and threat of covid? Best week in a long time? Yes!

Being a 4 on the enneagram, (everyone is entitled to their opinions, but I love the enneagram!) I put a high value on authenticity. Even though what happened with my friend wasn’t fun and some of the things that were said were hard to hear, it felt authentic. I think I handled it as well as I could have at that point and it ultimately really changed my perspective.

I had already decided that I needed a week off before things started getting canceled, so that actually felt really validating for me.

In all honesty, my “covid” symptoms were so mild and came and went so fast that I was never actually convinced that I had it. I knew that it was a definite possibility with cases being reported at my church and one of them hit a little close for comfort, so I decided to play it safe and get tested. I also live with my parents, who are both older than 65. One of them is much more concerned than the other, so I wanted to be able to provide some peace of mind.

But the bright side of having a 2-day week and no plans was that I now had an opportunity to focus on me. Self-care it up! Let myself just sit and admire a view. Or read a book. Or go to bed insanely early. Or stay up writing. Or leave my phone. Or finish a picture book to honor my best friend. Or do a crossword. And then a sudoku. Or go for a walk. And then another. Or do yoga. Or make an insanely delicious dinner that requires planning. And then do it again the next night. And then make apple pie for dessert. Or finally start watching the last season of “New Girl.” (All good things must come to an end. But, why?) Or walk around in amazement of God’s creation and try to capture it from every angle so it’s never forgotten.

Or sit on the porch at sunset and try your darnedest to forever attach this view to your new favorite song. (No, it’s definitely not Taylor Swift…it’s also definitely not named after my favorite month, which today just happens to be the first day of…)

I also happen to be reading “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry” by John Mark Comer. (Not done with it yet, but so far I highly recommend it!)

I had the same number of hours in this week as last and the one before that. The reason this week was so much better was because even though I had every excuse to make it a terrible week, I prioritized things that bring me joy. Because I labeled it a self-care week, I was more conscious of incorporating activities that fed my soul. Not to say that I didn’t have unpleasant moments, too–hello, covid test, fussy children and anxious parent.

July was mostly about pushing through. Pushing through hard situations and emotions and constantly putting myself out there (without actually putting myself out there) in pursuit of growth. This week was about being present. Plans went out the window and I didn’t know if I was going to be able to make any plans moving forward, so I was forced to sit in the present and find the joy.

And as it turns out, I learned way more about myself by sitting in the present than I ever did in the pursuit of growth. Instead of constantly trying to find myself, I sat with myself and observed.

I have no idea what this month or week will bring, but as things inevitably return to “normal,” I’m going to try to spend more time observing than searching. If authenticity is the goal, how can I ever get there without observation?

Life Changed

For some reason this is a really hard post to write. I felt the need to write last week after therapy, but kept finding distractions. I’m not going to lie, the middle of the week was completely consumed by The Great British Baking Show. Worst recommendation ever friends and sister-in-law! (It’s not actually considered being lazy when I’m learning so much about things I’ll never bake, is it?) I also finished a massive blanket I started (naively) knitting last year thinking it would be fun and easy. My natural response to finishing that monster was starting a baby blanket for my niece. Because my patience wasn’t thoroughly tested with the big one…

More distractions…

This past week has been all about tough love.

It didn’t start that way, though.

In trying to get me to understand my inherent worth, my therapist told me to imagine my baby niece when thinking about God’s love for me. She painted a picture of cooing and kissing and smiling and snuggling with her just for being her. Babies don’t have to do or be anything remarkable to be adored. And neither do I. God adores me just for being me and living into the potential he has provided for my life. I thought about that the next time I held my little punkin and actually teared up. It was the first time I actually felt the connection.

Changing topics, after the realization that it had been one month since saying goodbye to a friend, I started feeling less angry for the way things ended and more thankful for the good times we shared. I was able to remember things I liked about her, the way she made me feel, and the hope she gave me. I saw her social media interactions as a trigger before, but I was starting to see a silver lining.

I think I’ve mentioned it here, but Rachel Hollis changed my life this past year. It started with the books and then the morning show and then the podcast and then the coaching and now the Last 90 Days. All of it helped me build up the confidence to conquer the things that have turned out to be the best parts of 2019. Well, back in March, I passed on my love of Rachel and noticed my friend start to follow her. Then a few weeks ago I noticed that she was now following Rachel’s husband (Dave), company (The Hollis Co.) and brand (Start Today).

Her likes on mutual friends’ posts still do trigger me, but her likes on anything Hollis related makes me proud. I brought that into her life hoping it would help her as much as it has helped me. And now when I’m no longer a part of her life (although, was I ever really? Don’t get me started.) that still is. It’s a mark I’m proud to leave on her life.

Changing topics one more time, today was the first time I cried in therapy. I’m actually shocked it took this long. Most weeks I go into my session thinking I have enough material to fill the entire time and am surprised to have breezed through it all in 5 minutes. Occasionally it does actually fill the entire time, but what I’m noticing more and more now is that the big, terrible problems I think I have are usually itty, bitty things that I thought to death. And today, I actually felt ashamed. I caught myself.

It was a hard week because it was the first time in my working life that I’ve had to regularly drive home in the dark. That meant that I couldn’t take my dog for our daily walk and forced me to adjust my routine. Good Lord.

My friend went to the church event I was too scared to invite her to. She’s been going to everything lately and making tons of friends. So go to everything and engage.

My aunt wants to bring strangers to Thanksgiving and I won’t have my kids to hide behind. They’re family. Trust them. Talk to them. They don’t understand me. Have you ever given them a chance?

It’s embarrassing. And sad. It made me cry.

I seem to have internalized every warning I’ve ever received and accepted it as truth. I’ve been told over and over and over (and over and over) that there’s nothing wrong with me. There is no reason that I can’t achieve whatever I set my mind to. I’ve just been coddled so much that I’ve never had to prove it.

There was never any discussion after college about moving home. I actually redid my room the week after I graduated. And two years later, they decided to redo my bathroom to my liking. My room also got a new paint job and carpet as a part of that project. They encouraged my involvement in their world and my dad was constantly making travel plans a year in advance for the three of us. I slipped right into retired life. I only considered jobs that would allow me to be home with them when they were watching my brother’s kids. And they never pushed me outside of my bubble.

If they had given me a deadline or made me pay rent or just outright kicked me out, I would have been forced to figure things out on my own and prove to myself that I could not only handle life on my own, but thrive. I’m grateful that they’ve given me a safe space and I’m sure they’re grateful that I consider them and their home a safe space, but this arrangement hasn’t actually been serving me.

Because we’re approaching our annual trip to Hawaii, my dad has been in travel-planning mode. He wants to know where I want to go in the next year and wants to plan our next two Hawaii trips. And I am just now pumping the brakes. I’ve told him my vacation bucket list, but I’m just now considering whether I really want to include them in those trips. I’m just now considering whether I want to be in a position next year where I can take 3 weeks off to go to Hawaii with my parents.

I’m slowly creating more distance between us. My dad was very disappointed to hear that I didn’t want to be a part of their Christmas card this year. I’m 25. It’s time.

I’m trying to lean on that newfound understanding of God’s love for me and trying to let that fuel me. I’m praying for wisdom. I’m praying for strength.

Stay tuned, folks. Should be an interesting ride.

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I made it! I made it through the crazy marathon kid week! We staved off boredom by getting all the monsters together for a playdate, which was insanely chaotic, but also fuel for my soul. I loved it. I loved the chaos!

My old anxiety buddies have been trying to make a comeback this week, but I’m not letting them. I can recognize when things could spiral and have been channeling that energy into healthier things, like yoga, exercise in general, reading, writing, DANCING IT OUT, and researching and cooking healthier meals.

Today, for example, my parents are gone until this evening and I prioritized my well-being by skipping church this morning. I had never really considered that an option, but I knew that I needed to let my mind and body recover from last week and simultaneously gear myself up for this coming week. So I took my sweet time this morning. It took me 3 hours to get out of bed, do my yoga, and get ready. I made my new go-to breakfast, got the paper and started the crossword.

But as I was nearing the end of the crossword clues, my parents were suddenly invading the bubble that I had created and I lost my focus. After they left, I decided to curl up on the couch and get sucked into Youtube. 45 minutes later, I decided it was time to snap out of it. I had built up this day in my mind and there were things I wanted to accomplish and that just wasn’t going to happen if I stayed on that couch.

So I got up, turned on some tunes, threw on my new neon pink hat that instantly makes me happier and danced like no one’s business. When the first song ended, I paused and wrote down the goals I had made mentally while laying in bed last night. Then I grabbed my computer, set it on my dresser and started writing.

I took a break to reread the notes I’ve taken from all the personal development books I’ve been reading lately and reminded myself why it’s so important for me to take those notes. I now have a journal filled with inspirational, motivational and some tough love quotes that I can go back to when I’m in need. I think this needs to become a Sunday ritual to get me pumped up for the week ahead.

You guys, the sun literally just came out! After a gloomy morning, the sun just made an appearance! If that’s not a sign…

I don’t know how to describe this journey so far, other than to say that I feel like I’m unlocking a part of myself that I didn’t even know existed. I didn’t know I was capable of feeling this way. I had never seen potential in myself. I was always counting on other people for everything. Make me happy, make me a path, make me feel strong, make me feel loved, make me feel important. And damn it, that’s not their job! There’s only one woman for that job and her name is Carrie.

There is so much FIRE in that. I literally just pumped myself up! I am writing this in front of a mirror and I can’t stop looking at the woman in front of me. I have a stupid big grin on my face and, honestly, I’ve never experienced this feeling before.

I just looked up the definition of empowerment, and damn. That’s it.

Empowerment: the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s rights.

Is there any better way to end?!

I promise to Carrie on, but I just can’t keep calm right now!

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Looking Back Fondly

I had yet another amazing weekend! This summer seems to have been filled with amazing days, nights and weekends. I wonder why that is…could it be an outlook change?

The weekend started with a bang! I brought my best friend to the Taylor Swift concert in Minneapolis Friday night. It was my fifth TS concert, her fourth. We went to the first 3 together. She had lost interest after high school, but I remained a loyal Swiftie. I didn’t have to do much convincing to get her to go with me because the memories were already a part of our relationship. It would’ve felt wrong going with anyone else.

The thing about this concert, though, was that I felt like it was really aimed at the nostalgic fans who had been there since the beginning. So even though my BFF hadn’t listened to any of the current music, she was still able to sing along with a lot of the songs and we were still able to reminisce about the last time we’d heard the songs live.

I am not a dancer. (Probably for good reason.) But I was dancing and screaming and eating up all of “this is the best crowd” lines! I was so in the moment and I just couldn’t believe that that many people liked Taylor at least as much as I did. I’m surrounded by people who pride themselves on not liking mainstream music, so I often feel like a loser or a chump for liking it. So it was really, really nice to be surrounded by that many like-minded people.

But every song had a memory attached and that’s what really sent me over the top. This time I realized that she has memories attached to every song, too. I remember after seeing One Direction in Chicago years ago, I was really disappointed to realize that they were just 5 teenage boys. But every time I see Taylor Swift live, I’m so relieved to see that she’s just another twenty-something trying to figure everything out.

Okay, fangirling over. It was a magical night for me, but the best was yet to come.

Friday was also my brother’s fifth wedding anniversary and they threw a huge “dream reception” in the prettiest park around on Sunday. Family was trickling in all week, but our houseguests arrived Saturday. We brought them to a new little speakeasy in town (hello, girls’ nights!), got milkshakes at the cute, little 50s diner, took a little riverfront walk and picked up some gourmet popcorn before heading home. They joined us for church the next morning and we managed to fit in a little bit of shopping before party prep started. I love showing off our town and I love having the extended family around!

We got to the park hours before the party started to help with anything and everything. I was, of course, in charge of the kids (who hadn’t had naps…). It was really nice to have some quality time with them before the crowd came, though. I traded off kid duty with my dad and my sister-in-law’s mom all night so my brother and sister-in-law could enjoy their guests.

After getting family and group pictures, my brother gathered everyone together and thanked them for coming and being a part of their marriage. Then he said he wanted to thank a few people who they could not have lived without these past 5 years. Guess who the first thank you was…


He thanked me and his wife’s brother for always being willing to drop everything and help them with anything. And then he asked everyone to give us a round of applause.

I swear I almost cried.

Selfishly I’ve always really wanted that validation that they appreciate what I do. But getting it was just so much better than I ever imagined.

They both pulled me aside later and thanked me again for being such a big help.


There are circumstances in our family’s history that have made our relationship awkward at times, but it felt so good to be so loved and appreciated by my brother. I realized that he’s not going anywhere. He’s not going to give up on me. And I’m not going to give up on him, either. We’ve got each other for life.

That was kind of the theme of the summer. I realized who was really there for me and who wasn’t. I really learned to appreciate who and what I have. I will always look back fondly at the summer of 2018.

But I’m so ready for fall!!

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All Our Love

I’m a year older today.

Yes, today was my birthday.

In a lot of ways I really do feel older. A lot of the situations I’m facing now are decidedly adult. I never fully understood the phrase hard choices until recently.

But I also don’t feel any different than I did 5 years ago.

The day felt much, much different, though, than last year.

Last year the day basically came and went. I wasn’t working, and my parents did go along with my wishes, but that’s all they did. Actually, it’s not fair to my dad to say they. He really tried to make the day special for me. My mom just went along. I never heard a “Happy Birthday!” from her, never got a card signed “Love, Mom and Dad.” My niece and nephew were also with us all day, so that’s a different dynamic all on its own. We did the birthday stuff, but it didn’t feel special.

This morning, on the other hand, I was greeted with smiling faces, “Happy Birthdays” and hugs. After completing my civic duty, I headed to my other kids’ house. I had to work today and we really didn’t do anything special, but I was greeted with more smiles and “Happy Birthdays,” and gifted some cupcakes and a sweet homemade card from the kids. Their parents wrote a nice thank you note on the back. That would’ve been enough, right? Around lunchtime the kids’ grandma stopped by with a card and gift. I mean.

After the youngest went down for her morning nap, I noticed a voicemail from my brother. They all sang to me and my niece, obviously a little bit confused, kept insisting that she wanted to talk to me.

I really wasn’t expecting anything at home. My parents were gone for the evening–having dinner with some of my mom’s siblings. I was looking forward to coming home to an empty house, maybe going for a walk and getting ready for the evening.

When I walked into the kitchen, I saw flowers and cards from my parents. All our love, Mom and Dad. Cue the tears.

I was touched, to say the least, but I had to get over it and get ready for dinner.

I went out for margaritas with one of my best friends in our little waterfront hometown. This was especially rewarding because, try as we might, we hadn’t seen each other in about 4 months and a lot had happened! It was so fun to catch up and just hang out! At some point during the meal I mentioned not being used to all the attention I was receiving and she just simply replied, “Well, we all love you.”

Quite a different experience from last year.

When I got home, I decided to enjoy the sunset and take my dog for a walk and as I was admiring the sky, I started reflecting on the day and, I’m serious, I literally felt a wave of gratitude just wash over me. All of these people took the time and effort to show me they care. I’m important, I matter to them. After having some rough years when it comes to that subject, it was overwhelming to come to that conclusion.

I thought about all of the times throughout the day had said “Thank You.” And it struck me that I was in the moment and truly felt the gratitude as I said those words. Every time. But it felt bittersweet, because I can’t shake the feeling that things won’t be the same this time next year. Maybe that’s for the better, but I couldn’t let myself focus on that too long, because I wanted to soak up every last second of daylight. I couldn’t (and still can’t) let this day go.

I want to bottle it up for all those ordinary days. But while I still have the house to myself, I’m going to let myself bask in it. How many times in life do you feel truly special and completely loved? I think I owe it to myself to enjoy it.

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30 Years

I did a good thing today (yesterday for most of you reading this).

Tomorrow (today) is my parents’ 30th anniversary. They would have been happy to just let the day come and go without any kind of celebration. But I couldn’t let that happen. (I’m also the girl who wrote them a thank-you note and gave them a dinner out for my 20th birthday…)

So about two weeks ago I approached my dad with an idea for dinner out and a reservation at a swanky new hotel in town. He loved it and we decided to keep it a secret from my mom for as long as possible. The next step was getting my brother involved. He was all in.

Everything was set up; we just didn’t know how my mom was going to react to it all. We decided that it was necessary to tell her about the dinner last weekend, so she had time to warm up to the idea and so she wouldn’t plan something with someone else! But we managed to keep the hotel a secret until hours before we left.

We enjoyed an adults-only dinner in our favorite small town sipping manhattans, martinis and an old fashioned. They reminisced about the last 30 years, we cracked up talking about favorite TV shows, we shared stories about our two favorite children. We dropped them off at their hotel and the “kids” went off to get ice cream! It was an evening none of us will soon forget.

And it all started with my idea.

I mean, technically I know it all started with a blind date 31 years ago…but we wouldn’t have made those new memories tonight without my idea.

I’m letting myself bask in it tonight. We made them feel special. Appreciated. Valued. Loved. We wouldn’t be who we are without them and we needed to show them how much they mean to us.

Family can be a tricky thing. There are lots of downs, but there are also lots of ups. The really beautiful thing is that family is there for it all. We help each other through the difficult times so we can enjoy these times.

30 years ago, my parents made the crazy decision to be each other’s family, baggage and all. I am so thankful that I got to celebrate this amazing milestone with them and give them an evening to realize what a milestone it truly is.

I don’t want this night to end. I want to live in this feeling forever. At least we’ll have the memories and each other.

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Happy Places

I have a few things I want to write about, so please forgive the jumping around.

I’ve written “I love you” in every Mother’s Day card I’ve ever given. But this was the first year that I really felt it. I knew that I really meant it.

We’ve had a rocky past, but for some reason things really turned a corner on our last trip to Hawaii. I’ve always been more of a daddy’s girl, but it’s like a switch flipped when he found out that he needed a knee replacement. I don’t understand why, but I could relate so much more to my mom. Maybe it was the commiseration. Maybe it was just that it was the first time that I really considered that my dad might be…old. Or maybe I just made a decision (conscious or not) to give her a fighting chance. But for whatever reason, she is now the one I want to tell everything to. It’s taken a while to adjust to the new dynamic, but I really wanted her to understand how much more I mean it this year.

I’ve always been vocally jealous of my friends’ close relationships with their moms. Now I feel like I finally have one too!

Secondly, I was faced with a very triggering situation this weekend and it was the first time I’d really tested this new-found faith of mine. There is one recurring situation that I’ve never quite figured out how to handle. It usually makes me obsessive, which leads to a lot of guilt and shame and sends me into a slow downward spiral until I completely melt down.

I was determined not to let that happen this time. Which meant I needed to nip it in the bud.

I did my best to keep my mind occupied and focused on other things (Thank you, Royal Wedding!). But do you know what I realized? Positive thinking really is like the domino effect. I forced myself to find the positive in every situation and eventually I didn’t even have to think about it. I had to start deliberately, but then it just started to flow. And as it flowed, it carried my thoughts away from the tricky situation.

Now, a day later, I can still think about it, but it doesn’t consume my thoughts. I can turn it off and walk away. I can walk toward happier and more productive thoughts.

I’m having a hard time feeling anything but bliss right now. It’s been a long, but rewarding day. My mom was determined to figure out all of our floral areas around the yard and get everything planted and, somehow, we actually did it!

My biggest goal became turning the porch into a cozy little happy place for me (without any crazy DIY projects!). I think I definitely nailed it.

This has always been my favorite place to curl up with a book. It’s been one of the most inspiring places to write. It’s the perfect setting for a leisurely conversation with a friend. It’s where I feel most connected to nature and where my dreams don’t seem so crazy. I love a good ocean view (Aloha!), but there’s really no beating this. It’s my little corner of the world.

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I think I accidentally fast forwarded to December.

Allow me to explain: it’s the first snow of the season up here in Gray Duck country. End of explanation. It all spiraled from there.

Last night, in anticipation of the snow (and just the general transition to frigid temperatures), we (I) decided it was time to move the porch furniture inside for the season. That involved shifting a lot of furniture throughout the whole house. But I was determined to get it done because once everything was in its winter position, I could set up the newest addition to our Christmas decorations out on the porch: a giant (fake, obviously) Christmas tree!


(Our last surviving pumpkin is sitting proudly next to the tree!)

This morning I woke up to snow flurries. The ground was still green, but the snow continued to pick up. It just started to taper now about 6 hours later. We now have a few inches of snow piled up on our deck!


I wasn’t expecting to be so excited about it! Usually the first snow of the season is kind of depressing. Here we go again. But not this time! This time I was listening to Christmas music while getting ready, thinking about Christmas movies, Christmas cookies, Christmas cards, end of the year calendars, presents for the kidlets. And then I remembered it’s not even Halloween yet.

I don’t even care! I just went for a walk through the gorgeousness, again listening to Christmas music (what up, Mr. Bublé?!), and actually teared up at how incredible it all was.

My parents have been telling me that they’ve noticed something changing in me lately. They’ve seen how thankful I am for everything and how much I appreciate my life. That really struck me today. It’s been a perfect day so far, but it hasn’t been out of the ordinary at all. We usually have the kids on Fridays, but we got today off so I’ve been taking advantage of the free day.

I’ve been able to find something to be grateful for in every situation. And when I’m in that place, I feel it. Deeply.

Isn’t that what I said December (and Christmas) was all about?

But, wait. It’s still October! Happy Halloween, Happy Thanksgiving, and then Merry Christmas!

Screw it!


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The past 30 or so hours have felt different than what I’ve accepted as normal lately. It’s not that everything has gone perfectly and lived up to every unrealistic expectation I might have. In fact, I think most things have deviated from the “plan.”

But I’ve noticed every single little beauty and blessing.

That tends to happen to me a lot at this time of year. Everything is so gorgeous with the leaves changing color and dropping, so cozy with the cooling temperatures and return of the blankets, so delicious with more apple flavored treats than I ever imagined and so exciting with the growing number of birthdays and the anticipation of the holidays.

This year has been extra special for me, not only with the addition of my nephew, but with the quality of my time spent with family and friends (with a few exceptions).

It got to the point yesterday where I actually thought, “How did I get so lucky to have such an extraordinary life when so many people live such ordinary lives?” But I know that my life looks pretty ordinary to a lot of people, too. I guess that’s the secret, though. You have to recognize all of the extraordinaries in your life, no matter how big or small. They add up fast!

My dad and I were walking around soaking in all of the fall colors last night and our conversation turned toward an old, ailing tree that I’ve always called The Tree of Life. It sits alone on top of the highest hill on our property and our most beloved pets are buried beneath it. We were trying to figure out what we want to replace it with when it inevitably dies. I kept suggesting a tree that would either flower in the spring or change colors in the fall. While my dad agreed, he pointed out that those trees don’t grow very fast.

As we wandered, we pointed out all of the trees that could work. At some point my dad suggested an Oak. Oaks are pretty much his favorite trees. He went through a period where he saved every little Oak seedling because there weren’t many trees around. Now he has forests of towering Oaks. Because of the number of Oaks we already had, I immediately dismissed that idea. But as we made our way around the property for the second time, I noticed that there weren’t nearly as many Oaks on the back half as there were on the front half.

And then I thought: If I’m going to continue to call the tree on the hill–whatever it may be–The Tree of Life, what better tree is there to represent our family? Oaks are big, strong, sturdy, stable trees. That’s how I think of my dad, the leader of our family, the one who created such an amazing life for his family. We already have so many memories planted on that hill, why not go all the way?

That’s kind of when it hit me. That’s the moment that all of those little extraordinaries provided me with that overwhelming sense of gratitude.

I don’t know how to carry this with me throughout the rest of the year, but I’m so incredibly grateful for the little glimpses this season has provided.

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I love December.

Because, as you know, I love Christmas. And December is basically just Christmas.

December is also the month of babies in my family this year. And, I mean, I don’t know, do you think I like babies?!

My “twin” cousin just had her little girl this morning and we’re all kind of betting on my sister-in-law having her little boy this week!

Combine those two things, Christmas and babies, and really what else do you need?!

I felt like I was going overboard with my Christmas shopping this year, but then I realized most of the stuff was for me…whoops. I’m really really enjoying the giving part of Christmas lately, though. I haven’t been able to give any suggestions for myself in years, but I have so many ideas for my parents, brother or sister-in-law, niece, or even friends. It’s a strange new era for me.

Another thing that’s strange for me is that I’m not really getting all of the familial warm and fuzzies I talked about in my last post. My dad and I are still doing all of the traditions, but my mom has no interest. Like, no interest.

I used to have an order that I would want to watch all of the Christmas movies in. I guess I thought it was important to her too, so I’d always wait for nights when we were all home. This year, when we tell her we’re watching a movie, she grabs a snack and watches her British dramas in her bedroom. Because she’s been so blatant about it, the magic has greatly diminished for me, so we’ve been *gasp* watching the movies out of order.

I also seem to remember at least 2 years when we had a little tradition of all of us putting the tree up together while watching (the first movie of the season) White Christmas. This year, while my friend and I were partaking in a Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life binge, my dad literally brought the tree home, set it on the deck and said “Okay, here’s your tree, Carrie.” put it in the stand (okay, with a little help), put the lights on, put the angel on top and put all of the ornaments on. There was no “we.” It was a little sad, honestly.

also put up all of the Christmas decorations around the house, which my mom used to help with.

The only tradition we’ve truly kept alive this year is my dad and I putting up the outdoor decorations together to avoid being sucked in to one of my mom’s projects.

I’m not trying to sound down. It’s just an adjustment for me. I’m starting to realize what my Christmases going forward might look like.

Growing up feels weird.

That’s why I need to hang out with all of these cute babies being born!!

I seriously cannot wait to meet the little dude!

Here’s the last calendar page for 2016:

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I haven’t decided yet if I will be sharing pages from next year’s calendar…cliffhanger.

Now that I see the page, I feel bad that I didn’t say anything about my best friend!! I think I summed it up pretty well last year! I love that dog more than any person (maybe he’s tied with that little girl)! He is literally the best, most constant and loyal friend I’ve ever had! Ugh, LOVE HIM. SO MUCH.

Merry Christmas!!

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